AT Risk Consulting Ltd provides professional consultancy services to help businesses better understand and manage risks that threaten their value and profitability, and at the same time help them to improve internal business processes. Together, these two dimensions enhance profitability by reducing costs, and mitigating or avoiding further risks. 

We work on the basis that all businesses are ‘at-risk’ of something, be it inadequacy or failure of processes and systems, or from competitor activity, major business change, the location of the business or simply from unexpected external events. The risks you face maybe specific (and personal) to your business or industry, or much more generic, but in any event your business will be ‘at-risk’.

Most organisations are especially ‘at-risk’ during times of change, so AT Risk Consulting Ltd particularly provides services that bring improved structure and control to major change projects, and gives guidance in avoiding major risks that could seriously damage the business. Our expertise and experience are within the financial services industry, but the principles and practices can be applied in most other industries.

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